How much does it cost?
Probably the most important question to ask, and the main reason people hesitate to get in touch. So that’s why I gave it its own page.
My day rate is £250.
I set it at that level both because that’s what I need to make to have a life and also because that’s the value I feel confident my work provides. I also feel it’s what cultural venues have budget for.
When I quote for a project, I give a detailed sense of how many days will be required, as well as the tasks involved.
There are people who will charge you less (and more!) for the type of work I do, but there’s generally a trade off in terms of quality and supervision needed. If you’re looking for someone who can jump into a job and manage it themselves to completion, that’s me.
There are situations I’m willing to negotiate my day rate for. That’s usually down to if other people are being paid on a project and/or if I think the project is especially interesting or socially useful. If you know the things I like and think it could be a fit, get in touch.